Car Stereo Radio Kit Dash Installation Mounting Kit Wiring Harness Removal Tools - Thank you for visiting this site. This review will we made about "Car Stereo Radio Kit Dash Installation Mounting Kit Wiring Harness Removal Tools", if you are currently looking for the article on it, it means you need to read this review now.

Above this is the one of the product images of the Car Stereo Radio Kit Dash Installation Mounting Kit Wiring Harness Removal Tools. To get other pictures, you can click on the image above.
Here you can see the product details.
- Max Single DIN Radio Face Size: 6-3/4 INCH X 1-7/8 INCH
- Single DIN Chassis Dimensions: 180mm X 50mm (7.086 INCH X 1.968 INCH)
- Market Type: US Domestic Vehicles Only
- Manufacturer Part Number: FMK550 FWH598 RRK-FD4

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