
OTC 6542 Bearing Cup Remover Price

OTC 6542 Bearing Cup Remover - Thank you for visiting this site. This review will we made about "OTC 6542 Bearing Cup Remover", if you are currently looking for the article on it, it means you need to read this review now.

OTC 6542 Bearing Cup Remover

Above this is the one of the product images of the OTC 6542 Bearing Cup Remover. To get other pictures, you can click on the image above.

Here you can see the product details.

  • This is an ideal tool for servicing hubs on today's small FWD cars
  • Jaws spread 15/16 inch to 3-1/4 inch and reach to 3-1/ 2 inchPerfect for pulling internal bearing cups seals and bushings
  • Jaws spread 15/16 inch to 3-1/4 inch and reach to 3-1/ 2 inch
  • Use with any slide hammer having 5/8 inch-18 thread

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